Give a little back
to a place you get so much from

Help The Ice Float look after the places you love to visit.

Through our support for the Love the Broads project, we have chosen to help raise funds for projects to ensure that the Broads are kept special for the future.

So far, Broads visitors’ kind donations have supported projects which will help to increase the barn owl population, to improve a circular footpath around a nature reserve and provide new cycle route signage in quiet Broads’ lanes. For full details see”.

“Love the Broads is the Visitor Giving scheme for the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads. It aims to inspire people to care for this special environment by making a small and voluntary donation through their accommodation provider, at key tourism sites or by giving money directly. Just £1 from every visitor could generate as much as 7 million pounds a year, so every small donation is a big help.”.

“The Broads is Britain’s Magical Waterland, a fragile wetland of international importance. Please help us and play your part to protect this precious landscape. Love the Broads is a scheme that provides an easy way for everyone to donate a small amount of money for a range of projects that are vital for the conservation of the area. These projects will help ensure a sustainable future for the Broads and help protect wildlife and benefit our visitors and local communities”.

About us

Find us floating on the Norfolk Broads  serving ice cream and lollies to boaters on the river.  Stop us and buy one! 

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